Updating AOKP in Galaxy Nexus

2013/02/11 by Paulo Pereira

~/categories/Android #Android #AOKP #Galaxy Nexus

AOKP build 3 is out, and after showing how to install AOKP from scratch, this is how I usually upgrade a ROM in my Galaxy Nexus.


I only use this procedure between builds of the same ROM, and typically when the base Android version is the same (in this case 4.2.1).

Backing up your device

When upgrading I usually only backup with Titanium Backup and within ClockworkMod Recovery. Usually I don’t copy the backups to my desktop.

Clearing cache and /system

Before installing I usually clear cache and format the /system partition. Depending on the ROM or the changes between versions, formatting the /system partition may not be necessary. Still I usually do it.

After these steps, your apps data and sdcard files are safe. Only the system files are gone. If something goes wrong you can always restore in recovery (backup and restore > restore).

Installing the ROM update

Download AOKP JB-MR1 Build 3 for the Galaxy Nexus (maguro) including the Google Apps package.

sudo ./adb push ~/aokp_maguro_jb-mr1_build-3.zip /data/media/0/0.ROOT/AOKP
sudo ./adb push ~/gapps-jb-20121212-signed.zip /data/media/0/0.ROOT/AOKP
sudo ./adb push ~/franco.Kernel-r364.zip /data/media/0/0.ROOT/AOKP
