Mount remote directories in your local machine

2013/02/17 by Paulo Pereira

~/categories/Linux #Linux #B3 Server #GitHub #sshfsmount

I have my Music and Video directories in my B3 Server. To access them locally I mount them using sshfs.

In order to not think about it, I created a script that runs at boot time to take care of that for me.

The script is available at my github account in a repository called sshfsmount.


Installing sshfs

First of all you need to install sshfs:

sudo apt-get install sshfs

Get the code

Get the code from my sshfsmount github repository:

cd ~/Downloads
wget -O
chmod +x sshfsmount-master/

Configure the mountpoints

Change the mountpoints configuration file to add your directories:

vi sshfsmount-master/config/sshfstab


To mount all the directories in you configuration file:

sshfsmount-master/ mount

To re-mount all the directories in you configuration file:

sshfsmount-master/ re-mount

Running at startup

Go to the Startup Applications and add a new Startup Program:

Mount your remote directories at startup