In a previous post I talked about how to backup to using duplicity.
I will now show how to backup your B3 Server Mysql databases using the same method.
Be sure duplicity is installed:
apt-get install duplicity
Generate an ssh key to connect to
- Generate the ssh key using the defaults (don’t use a password when asked):
ssh-keygen -t rsa
- Copy your key to (if you don’t have no one there):
scp ~/.ssh/
- If you already have a key from another machine or user in, you need to add a new one:
cat ~/.ssh/ | ssh 'dd of=.ssh/authorized_keys oflag=append conv=notrunc'
Generate a gpg public and private key to encrypt your backups
- Generate the gpg keys (get down your private key, example: 123AbcH123BB4321):
gpg --gen-key
- You can check the keys in your system:
gpg --list-keys
- Look in the output something like this. Look for the public key (in this example your public key is 1AAB123A)
pub 1239A/**1AAB123A** 2011-10-09 [expires: 2012-10-08]
uid Your Name (name) <>
sub 54321/1234BBCC 2011-10-09 [expires: 2012-10-08]
Backup/restore your databases
I have MyISAM tables, so I will be using the mysqlhotcopy command. You can also use mysqldump.
Create a user for backups, like backupuser. This user should have the roles ProcessAdmin and BackupAdmin. I used MySQL Workbench to create the user.
Backup each database you have:
mysqlhotcopy -u *backupuser* -p *userpassword* *database1* ~/backup --allowold --keepold
mysqlhotcopy -u *backupuser* -p *userpassword* *database2* ~/backup --allowold --keepold
Each database will be dumped in a directorie (example: ~/backup/database1) and an old directorie will be kept with the previous dump (example: ~/backup/database1_old).
Archive every database, except the old ones:
tar -cvf ~/backup/backup.tar ~/backup/* --exclude='*_old'
- Use duplicity to backup to
duplicity full --encrypt-key="1AAB123A" ~/backup/backup.tar scp://
- Restore your backup:
duplicity --encrypt-key="1AAB123A" scp:// ~/backup/backup_restore.tar
- Restore database by extracting the backup to the database location. Be sure MySQL isn’t running:
/etc/init.d/mysql stop
tar -xvf ~/backup/backup_restore.tar /var/lib/mysql/
/etc/init.d/mysql start
I’m backing up and restoring all my databases at once. You could create a different archive for database or extract the restore file to a different location and the copy the database you want to restore.
Check out my duplicity post to see what more can you do with duplicity.
Feedback and suggestions appreciated!