Free Software in Portugal with SAPO

2008/07/23 by Paulo Pereira

~/categories/General #General

SAPO, a portuguese ISP, and for whom might interess, hosts Free Software (Software Livre, in portuguese).

The Software Livre project is still in an early stage, but I think that it’s a great initiative.

A list of hosted projects and an english Service Catalog for Developers are available.

Currently there is a list of possible projects within the scope of SAPO Summerbits 2008.

The Software Livre platform is 100% free software and it’s running Debian GNU/Linux with trac, mailman, svn, etc.

The following entities are supporting this project:

ANSOL - Associação Nacional para o Software Livre (National Free Software Association)

Caixa Mágica - Distribuição de Linux Portuguesa (Linux Portuguese Distribution)

DRI - Consultoria Informática (An Information Technology Companie)